How many letters in Hawaiian language

How Many Letters are in the Hawaiian Alphabet 2024?

How many letters are in the Hawaiian alphabet in 2024? Are you searching for the best answer? If so, consider researching your topic before making any decisions.

How many letters in Hawaiian language

Doing so can ensure that you are making the most informed decision possible. Not only will this help you to feel confident in your choice, but it can also help you to avoid making any potentially costly mistakes.

Quick Answer: The current official Hawaiian alphabet consists of 13 letters: five vowels (A, E, I, O, and U) and eight consonants (H, K, L, M, N). The Hawaiian alphabet was standardized in 1987 by the University of Hawaii Press. Before that time, there were numerous variations in spelling.

How Does the Hawaiian Alphabet Compare to Other Alphabets?

The Hawaiian alphabet is unique in its twelve letters, while most others have twenty-six. The letters are also arranged in a circular pattern instead of a linear one. 

Additionally, the letters are pronounced differently than in English; for example, the letter “a” is pronounced like the “ah” in “father.”

This makes the Hawaiian alphabet much more challenging to learn than other alphabets. However, it is efficient and easy to use once it is learned.

What is the Hawaiian Alphabet Made Up of?

Did you know the Hawaiian language has only 13 letters in its alphabet? The letters are A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, and W. The letters are pronounced differently than in English. For example, the letter A is pronounced “ah,” the letter E is pronounced “eh,” and the letter I is pronounced “ee.”

When Captain James Cook made the first European voyage to the islands, he named them Owyhee. The Hawaiian alphabet then consisted of 17 letters-a, b, d, e, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, t, u, v and w. There are five vowels: a, e, i, o, and u, and 12 consonants b, d, h, l, k, m, n, p, r, t, v and w.

Just How Complicated is the Hawaiian Alphabet?

The Hawaiian alphabet is quite complicated, consisting of 13 letters. These letters amalgamate consonants and vowels, yielding diverse pronunciations contingent on their combinations.

For example, the letter ‘a’ can be pronounced as a short vowel sound, as in “apple,” or a long vowel sound, as in “father.”

The letters are pronounced differently than in English, so learning how to speak and write in Hawaiian takes some practice. One challenge for English speakers is that there are no letters that represent the sound of “th,” as in “thin” or “thanks.”

Curious about the Hawaiian alphabet? Here’s how it’s ordered!

The Hawaiian alphabet differs slightly from English because it has only twelve letters, which are ordered differently. The letters are: A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, and W. Each letter has its unique sound, and there are no silent letters like in English. The vowels are A, E, I, O, and U.

  1. A
  2. E
  3. I
  4. O
  5. U
  6. H
  7. K
  8. L
  9. M
  10. N
  11. P
  12. W.

The Mysterious Origins of the Hawaiian Alphabet

In late the new year of 1778, British explorer James Cook set sail on the first European expedition to Hawaii. In the resulting report, he wrote the name of the islands as “Owhyhee” or “Owhyee.” In 1822, American Protestant missionary Elisha Loomis developed a writing system based on one similar to modern New Zealand Grammar.

The initial alphabet encompassed A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, and W, along with 7 diphthongs: AE, AI, AO, AU, EI, EU, OU. Additionally, foreign words were spelled using the letters F, G, S, Y, and Z.

In 1826, the Hawaiian language developers voted to eliminate the letters which stood for functionally redundant interchangeable letters, leading to the Hawaiian alphabet reaching a perfect state of one symbol, one sound, thereby improving the ease with which one can learn and write the reading and writing of Hawaiian.

  • Change – B/P. B was dropped, and P was kept
  • Keep L and K, drop R, D, T
  • Change – V/W. V was dropped, and W was kept.


To make it easier to distinguish between words with equivalent meanings, the glottal stop became required as early as 1823. As early as l823, the missionaries were constrained to making minimal use of the apostrophe to represent the glottal stop. Still, they did not make it a letter of the English language. 

When publishing the Hawaiian Bible, they used OKINA to distinguish KOU (‘my’) from KO (‘your’). It was not until 1864 that the glottal stop was officially permitted to be capitalized in the English language.


Where is this Tahitian hibiscus he had to use? As early as 1821, one of the missionaries, Hiram Bingham, used macrons to create handwritten transcriptions of Hawaiian vowels. The macron, or kahak, distinguished short and long vowels.

Learn to pronounce Hawaiian words correctly!

When learning Hawaiian words, it is important to pronounce them correctly. Many people make the mistake of pronouncing Hawaiian words the way they would pronounce English words, but this is not how they are supposed to be pronounced. 

Several straightforward tips can aid you in accurately pronouncing Hawaiian words. First, it is important to remember that Hawaiians speak with a heavy accent, so you must enunciate each word. 

Second, vowels are pronounced differently in Hawaiian than they are in English. In English, the letter “a” is pronounced like the “a” in “father,” but in Hawaiian, it is pronounced more like the “ah” sound in “car.”

The seven Hawaiian consonants are all pronounced in the same fashion in English as in the local language. They are H, K, L, M, N, P, and W. These 7 things are sometimes said unusually with W. In some cases, the distinctive pronunciation of W does not vary as in other languages.

There are two main vowels, and they’re all pronounced the same way as in English except in the case of the “I,” that’s long like the “E” in “me.” A (ah), E (eh), I (long E), O (oh), U (u). In Hawaiian, each letter has its pronunciation. The only exception to this rule is the use of okina and kahakou.

Okina causes a glottal stop between vowels, while kahakou causes it to have a long vowel sound. When you see two vowels that look the same, you can assume an okina is missing. For example, the’s in the name Kapaa, a city in Kauai, are pronounced separately. There are three a’s in that name.

The Hawaiian Alphabet Consists of Just 12 Letters 

The Hawaiian alphabet is a set of twelve letters that represent the sounds of the Hawaiian language. Unlike English, which has 26 letters, the Hawaiian alphabet only has twelve letters.

This makes it simpler to learn and pronounce words in the Hawaiian language. The twelve letters in the Hawaiian alphabet are A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, and W.

Conclusion Points 

How many letters are in the Hawaiian alphabet? Final answer – The Hawaiian alphabet has 13 letters: A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, W. The letters are pronounced differently than in English. For example, the letter “A” is pronounced as “ah,” the letter “E” is pronounced as “eh,” and the letter “W” is pronounced as “vah.

In conclusion, the Hawaiian alphabet is a unique and interesting writing system used for centuries. It is worth taking the time to learn a few of the letters so that you can appreciate the culture and history of Hawaii even more. Mahalo!


If you want to learn more about the Hawaiian language or start writing in it yourself, be sure to ask any questions about the Hawaiian alphabet in the comment box below!

Question – How many letters are in the Hawaiian alphabet? 

Answer: The Hawaiian alphabet consists of thirteen letters. Five of the letters are vowels, and the other eight are consonants. The letters are A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, and W.

Question – How many letters are in the Hawaiian language? 

Answer: The Hawaiian language consists of 13 letters. Five of them are vowels, and the remaining eight are consonants. The letters are A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, and W.

Question – How many letters are there in the Hawaiian alphabet? 

Answer: The Hawaiian language consists of 13 letters. Five of the letters are vowels, and the rest are consonants. The letters are A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, and W.

Question – What are the letters in the Hawaiian alphabet? 

Answer: The Hawaiian letter comprises 13 letters within the Hawaiian writing system. Five of these are vowels, and each of the remainder of the letters is consonant. Letters of the alphabet include A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, and W.

Question – What are the 12 letters in the Hawaiian alphabet?

Answer – The Hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters: A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, W. The alphabet is based on the English alphabet, with some modifications. The letter “C” is not used in the Hawaiian alphabet.

Instead, the letter “K” represents the sound /k/. The letter “Q” is not used in the Hawaiian alphabet.

Question – What are the 13 letters in the Hawaiian alphabet?

Answer – The thirteen letters in the Hawaiian alphabet are: A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, and W. The Hawaiian alphabet is based on the English alphabet and has the same 26 letters. The letter ‘C’ is not used in the Hawaiian language.

Question – How to sing the Hawaiian Alphabet like a true local? 

Answer: To sing the Hawaiian Alphabet like a true local, you must use the correct pronunciation and inflection.

A unique sound represents each letter in the Hawaiian Alphabet, and it is important to emphasize the correct syllable when singing. For example, the letter “A” is pronounced “ah,” and the letter “E” is pronounced “eh.”

The Hawaiian Alphabet can be sung as one long song or broken down into individual verses.

Question – How many vowels and consonants are there in the Hawaiian alphabet?

Answer: The Hawaiian alphabet contains 13 letters. The five vowels are A, E, I, O, and U. The eight consonants are H, K, L, M, N, P, W, and Y.

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